Project Team
From left to right (front): Jeffy Ditsela, Candice Visser, Judy Backhouse, Jason van Staden, Ray Kekwaletswe
Professor Jason Cohen, together with Professors Judy Backhouse and Ray Kekwaletswe as co-investigators, have been awarded R 632 400 by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) for a three year project titled: “Information systems for Smart Cities in Africa: understanding demand for and supply of services”.
The concept of Smart Cities encompasses green building technologies, quality of life measures, as well as the use of information and communication technologies to improve life in cities. The project will examine the demand for information services from citizens and organisations as well as the systems, technologies, and practices that are in place to provide information services. The grant was awarded as part of the NRF 2014 competitive programme for rated researchers. The award includes funding for honours and master’s students who will enjoy the experience of working in a research team as part of a large funded study.